UTU Produces Eargasms and plays on the Richter scale.
UTU is a fruitful collaboration of five musicians with quite different backgrounds. In Finnish the name UTU means foggy weather above the sea. This word evokes UTU’s music very well. There are moments of raging seas but also of calm waters.
UTU has released three albums, that have gotten excellent reviews:
Songs in Flesh Minor (2012)
Pieces of the Unknown (2016)
Russian Poets (2017)
Next album "By the Ashes that Used to Be the Eternal Fire" is coming out sooner or later!
Examples of Theater works as a composer
2024 Synnytystalkoot, Teatteri Telakka
2023 Jeanne D'arcin housut, Tampereen Työväen Teatteri
2023 Asmodeus ja 1313 sielua, Helsingin Kaupunginteatteri
2021 Under Sjön -kuunnelma, Svenska Yle
2020 Harhama, Espoon Kaupunginteatteri
2019 Making of Lea, KOM-teatteri
2018 Lemminkäinen, Kansallisteatteri
2016 Hirvimetsä, Radioteatteri
Sokeain kuunnelmapalkinto
2015 Taivaan tulet, Varkauden Teatteri
2015 Muuttomiehet. KOM-Teatteri
2014 Europaeus, Suomen Kansallisteatteri
Esitykselle myönnettiin Eino Kalima-palkinto
2014-2017 Operaatio Paulaharju,
Liikkuva erämaateatteri, useita piennäytelmiä
2012 Nummisuutarit, KUT
Duo Hurme
This is a folk duo with the most delicate and minimalist spices. It has got two voices that are weaved to each other as a magical twine.
This is a trio that will surprise you in every turn! It is making a carnival out of fear of death. It is more than a concert and you might get a chance to listen through it while lying in a coffin.